(34) 633725667
Calle Manuel Bordes Valls, 4. Javea Port

We all know that we should be drinking at least 2 litres a day for our health and well being, however, drinking the right type of water is the key to receiving optimal benefits.

Tap water doesn't mean it's safe to drink even though it meets safety guidelines.

Alicante has very hard water and has a high content of chlorine and cal, making the water taste very unpleasant, and you'll end up still feeling thirsty.

The consumption of tap water over time poses great risks to health as you shall read below.

Bottled water isn't that great either since chemicals from the plastic can leach into the water.
Avoid bottles made with BPA (Bisphenol A) which are chemical hormonal disruptors, they mimic oestrogen and are linked to reproductive health problems and certain types of cancers, such as breast, ovarian and prostate.

What is commonly found in  tap water?

Heavy metals, such as:

  • Arsenic which occurs naturally in soil and rock. Linked to cancers of the prostate, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and nasal passages.
  • Cadmium: galvanised tubes, plumbing accessories, fertilisers and aerial contamination are some of the ways it can enter into our water supply. It is known to be toxic for the kidneys.
  • Lead: Comes from lead pipes and corroded infrastructure. It is known to be toxic and poisonous to almost every major organ in the body.
  • Mercury: According to the Water Quality Association, the major source of mercury comes from a natural degassing of the Earth's crust, also the combustion of fossil fuels and other industrial release. Mercury has been known to cause kidney damage, even from short-term exposure. It has negative effects on the brain and the developing foetus.

Chemicals, such as:

  • PFAS ( Perfluoralkyl substances) are artificial cancer-causing compounds used in industrial processes and products since manufacturing began end of 1940's. Not only found in water, but also non-stick cookware, clothing, furniture and water-resistant products.
  • Trihalomethanes (THMs) such as chloroform. Formed as a result of chlorination. The health ministry have observed that THMs are toxic to the liver.
  • Chlorine: Makes the water taste unpleasant. Dries hair and skin, irritates eyes and the respiratory tract. Potentially carcinogenic.
  •  Fluoride: It passes through the blood-brain barrier and tends to accumulate in the pineal gland, which plays a role in your sleep patterns, how you make decisions, and how you perceive reality.A 2015 study (linked below) has concluded that it may produce developmental neurotoxicity. The CDC have also observed a prevalence of increased bone fractures in the elderly related to fluoridated water.It's also found in toothpaste, so look for toothpaste that is fluoride-free.

The above list is not exhaustive, however, it gives an overall idea of how toxic our tap water actually is!

What can you do about it?


  • Get a good water distiller such as the Megahome 316. This powerful distiller removes absolutely everything. And I mean absolutely everything nasty from your water. You will be shocked and horrified at the empty chamber containing the residue of cal and the noxious chemical smell even after just 1 distillation. You will never drink tap water again after seeing this.I have never tasted water so pure, soft and hydrating and I really do feel this is one of the best investments anyone can make. I used to own a Berkey water filter and the water distiller beats this tenfold. I do still use the Big berkey but I now only use this as a container for the distilled water because it contains a tap and it's easy to fill up your kettle or glass.


  • A water activator transforms the water hardness, making it soft and energetically improves it.This can be applied to the whole house and will be healthier for all plumbing and devices that use water, making them last longer. It also improves the health of swimming pools, ponds, water features, animal drinking water etc..For more details, contact Cristobal (English and Spanish speaking) in Javea:
    Email: c.cholbi@unicomrc.com |  phone: 96 693 4290  |  Website:www.unicomrc.com
    Just mention my name (Michelle) and he'll give you a free demonstration of the water activator device if you're in the local area.

A note on Shungite's healing properties

This rare black stone, mainly found in Shunga, Russia, has a unique composition containing fullerenes, which are a type of carbon nanostructure.

According to a 2017 review, carbon nanostructures can destroy harmful pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses.

Shungite has been used since ancient times to purify water and for its antioxidant properties.

It is used to reduce inflammation and ease physical ailments, including allergies, arthritis, kidney issues, fatigue, liver problems and more.

Anecdotally, it is reported to relieve stress, soak up negative energy and balance emotions.

I use shungite in the Big Berkey water filter in the bottom half and I also put it in my cat's drinking bowl, which at times becomes a fishing game to my amusement!




PFAS chemical in Spain https://buff.ly/3twfBMg

Water quality for consumption report 2019. Ministry of Health. https://buff.ly/3aXNwao

Study related to fluoride by Science Direct. https://buff.ly/3xqNBe6

Calcification of the pineal gland by webMD: https://buff.ly/3NKeYH9

Water Quality Association: https://www.wqa.org/Learn-About-Water/Common-Contaminants/Mercury

Review on the Antimicrobial Properties of Carbon Nanostructures, 2017. NIH. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5615720/



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