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Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Updated by Michelle on July 24, 2022
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Vitamin D deficiency is common worldwide, even in sunny countries! In Spain,  it is estimated that one third of the population may be deficient in vitamin D (1). In the UK, studies have shown a significant number of people with low vitamin D levels in their blood.

Just like plants need sunlight to grow, so it is true with humans for better health and wellbeing.

At least 75% of our vitamin D is produced in the liver via the conversion of sunlight. There are some foods that contain a fair amount of vitamin D, but most foods contain very little unless the vitamin has been added.

Rickets, a condition that affects bone development in children, causing the bones to grow weak, soft and a tendency towards deformities was eradicated in the Western World during the early 20th century by fortifying foods with vitamin D.

When I visited Iceland, I was told that all residents were recommended to take vitamin D by their physicians and health practitioners, due to the fact that you don't see the sun at all for 3 months and one can quite easily become depressed.

Read on to understand the importance of vitamin D, what the deficiency symptoms are and how to balance your vitamin D levels naturally.


What Is Vitamin D And Why Do We Need It?

In the truest sense of the form, vitamin D acts more like a hormone and is not a vitamin at all, as the body is capable of producing it in the liver. It is then stored in the liver and fatty tissues of the body.

Cholesterol (7-dehydrocholesterol) in the human skin synthesises vitamin D from being exposed to UV light from the sun.

We need vitamin D for many different functions in our body:

  • Assists the absorption of calcium and regulates normal calcium and phosphate levels
  • Promotes bone and cell development
  • Reduces joint inflammation
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Regulates mood

What Can Happen If We Are Deficient In Vitamin D?

The normal range of vitamin D is between 20 and 40 ng/ml, although this number can vary a bit.

Group studies show that pregnant women and babies are most at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Studies have linked low vitamin D levels to a number of health issues (2):

  • Mortality
  • Hair loss
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Reduced bone density and osteoporosis. Tooth decay
  • Higher risk of bone fractures
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Malignancy. Susceptibility to certain cancers, such as breast, ovarian, colon and prostate cancers have been linked with vitamin D deficiency.
  • Hormonal imbalances. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to reduced oestrogen levels, which, in turn can lead to depression, hot flashes and mood swings.
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Muscle weakness and muscle aches
  • Infections
  • Rickets
  • Fatigue
  • reduced cognitive performance. Difficulty in thinking cleared and making decisions.
  • Mood imbalances, such as depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), insomnia and anxiety.
  • Sleeping issues, including sleep apnea and disrupted sleeping patterns.

What Causes A deficiency in Vitamin D?

  • Sunscreens - there have been many concerns that the use of sunscreen negatively impacts the body's ability to synthesise vitamin D. Studies show that this is true with artificially generated UV light, however, when using natural sunlight, there appears to be no effect when using moderate protection sunscreens. (3)
    Although a topic for another time, the use of commercial sunscreens have been shown toxic to marine life, corals and fish reproduction. It also contains toxic chemical ingredients that are human hormonal disruptors and create organ system toxicity.
    When it comes to sun protection, ideally use a natural product, such as coconut oil or raspberry seed oil.
  • Clothing - having our skin covered in clothes can either partially or totally block the sun's UV rays.
  •  Air pollution - living in an area with high levels of air pollution are at increased risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency.
  • Medications -  laxatives, steroids (such as prednisone), cholesterol lowering drugs, seizure-controlling drugs, and weight loss drugs.

What Is the Best Way To Get Vitamin D?

How can you balance your vitamin D levels?

Exposure to sunlight is the best and most effective method to have adequate vitamin D levels.

Being exposed to the sun daily for 10- 15 minutes without sunscreen is recommended for fair-to-medium skin.

If you are darker toned skin, you may need to spend at least 40 minutes in the sun to get adequate exposure.

In the winter, when the sun is less potent, double the time may be needed.

The main food sources containing vitamin D are animal products, such as cod liver oil, mackerel, swordfish, sardines, tuna, beef liver, caviar and fortified cows milk.

If you're vegan, the best way to obtain vitamin D is through mushrooms and nut milks, such as oat milk fortified with vitamin D.

If you would like to add extra supplementation, this vegan vitamin D3 from Viridian on Naturitas.es is in liquid form and only 0,5ml a day is needed. Other ingredients contain sunflower seed oil and oil of orange - nothing else!

Is It Possible To Take Too Much Vitamin D?

Yes, and there have been increasing reports of vitamin D overdose and poisoning. This can be due to the over-fortification of milk or prolonged use of vitamin D supplements.

In one case, a 62 year old man was hospitalised with a neurologic disorder and kidney failure. The patient reported that he had been on a slow-release multivitamin containing Vitamin D and Vitamin A prescribed by his physician (4). His blood levels had excess calcium (Hypercalcemia), a condition that can weaken bones, create kidney stones and create interferences in the functioning of the heart and brain.

Some symptoms of too much vitamin D include:

  • Nausea
  • Apathy
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dehydration
  • Confusion
  • Increased thirst

Vitamin D Testing With Kinesiology

You can find out how what your vitamin D levels are like by having a blood test.

You can also get tested in your kinesiology session, where we can additionally test for other deficiencies, or if there is too much of  a mineral or vitamin.  Since the liver and the kidneys play a role in vitamin D, these organs can be strengthened and restored in the session, addressing any imbalances from a holistic point of view.

For more information, send me a message or visit the kinesiology section of this website.




  1. González-Molero I, Morcillo S, Valdés S, Pérez-Valero V, Botas P, Delgado E, Hernández D, Olveira G, Rojo G, Gutierrez-Repiso C, Rubio-Martín E, Menéndez E, Soriguer F. Vitamin D deficiency in Spain: a population-based cohort study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011 Mar;65(3):321-8. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2010.265. Epub 2010 Dec 22. PMID: 21179052.
  2. Lim K, Thadhani R. Vitamin D Toxicity. J Bras Nefrol. 2020 Apr 3;42(2):238-244. doi: 10.1590/2175-8239-JBN-2019-0192. PMID: 32255467; PMCID: PMC7427646.
  3. Neale RE, Khan SR, Lucas RM, Waterhouse M, Whiteman DC, Olsen CM. The effect of sunscreen on vitamin D: a review. Br J Dermatol. 2019 Nov;181(5):907-915. doi: 10.1111/bjd.17980. Epub 2019 Jul 9. PMID: 30945275.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Gossamer Organics nor the author of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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