If you’re experiencing debilitation, pain or unexplainable symptoms, it may be your body’s way of signalling that something is wrong.
I’m sure you know already that it’s a dangerous thing to try and self-diagnose by looking up symptoms on the internet…
But we do it anyway!
…Just to try and find any potential solution to your health symptoms.
But it can cause us to feel overwhelmed with confusion…
Human beings are predictable. We typically seek the quickest solution to ease our pain…
We’ll go for painkillers or antidepressants, even though deep down we know those solutions aren’t effective in the long run.
Have you had blood tests, MRI scans, endless visits to the Doctor's office and you’re feeling let down with no satisfying answer?
It can be exhausting when you need to show up at work or hang out with friends, and you put on a brave face just to avoid showing how you truly feel.
You try out different supplements but you end up with a cupboard full of them, feeling like you’ve wasted money because you’re not noticing any benefits.
You might have tried different natural healing approaches, but you end up feeling hopeless and stuck
And this is because you’ve either reached a plateau or nothing seems to be working.
It starts to feel like it’s all a guessing game…
When you feel you have no control of your own body, it’s easy to feel powerless and even ashamed, because you might be wondering what have I done to deserve this.
You need to know it’s not your fault…
But something needs to change.
Addressing The Root Cause Will Change Your Life
With ANY health problem, it’s crucial to address the different aspects that make up the human experience…
These are the physical, mental, emotional, and energy realms.
The first step to reclaiming your health is a tailored approach that tells you where the imbalances are without the guesswork.
Novak Djokovic, a renowned tennis player, was competing in the Davis Cup in 2010 when he suffered a physical crisis with bouts of violent sickness, labored breathing, and ZERO energy.
A therapist who was a friend of Novak suggested that an imbalance in his intestines might be causing a buildup of toxins.
The method that his friend used to determine the root cause — which I will reveal to you shortly — discovered a sensitivity to dairy and gluten found in wheat and other grains.
That was a life-changing moment for Djokovic.
After two weeks on this new diet, he felt mentally clearer, with increased energy and more alert.
With these simple changes, he became the world’s number-one tennis player.
And his healing transformation inspired him to write about it in his book, “Serve To Win”.
Compared to different trainers, coaching methods, nasal surgery, and even meditation…
A simple diet change was the most effective solution.
Nothing else came close.
A Marvelous Discovery From A Chiropractor Changed The World
I have worked as a reflexology and reiki therapist in a private health center and at retreats, for over 10 years.
While my clients found the treatments I provided to be relaxing and beneficial, I often found they reached a plateau or the symptoms would return over time.
…both therapies weren’t necessarily addressing the root cause of the problem.
And it became my mission to find a way to make more lasting improvements for them.
And then this happened…
I found a mind-blowing discovery while reading about holistic therapies on the internet one afternoon.
It was a method developed by George Goodheart, an American Chiropractor in the 1960s.
He discovered that the muscles in the body proved to be useful in identifying imbalances in the body.
But it didn’t stop there!
Using various techniques including physical work, energy corrections, and nutrition he strengthened these imbalances…
And the person’s health improved in ways that chiropractic techniques alone weren't able to address.
To repeat this…
It is the body that reveals the imbalances…
And it is the body that communicates its needs to strengthen those imbalances!
Fast forward a few years and I’m now using this powerful method.
And I’ve had the privilege of learning this powerful therapy in London from the daughter whose father was a student of George Goodheart.
Since then, I have helped thousands of people of all ages using this powerful holistic approach to achieve health and well-being.
A POWERFUL holistic therapy should focus on your body, emotions, energy drains, and nutrition.
Otherwise, it cannot be considered truly holistic…
Use Your Body’s Wisdom And Intellect To Take Control Of Your Health
Introducing Systematic Kinesiology with Michelle.
Systematic Kinesiology is a holistic form of natural health care that uses a highly-personalized approach using muscle testing as a guide.
It addresses a wide range of healing issues and identifies the root cause of the imbalances.
Kinesiology is unique in the sense that it addresses and uses techniques to balance your body using seven different systems:
1. Nervous System - Improves communication between the brain and all parts of the body.
2. Vascular System - Helps improve blood flow to areas that need it, increasing oxygen, nutrients, and minerals to starved parts of the body.
3. Lymphatic System - Specialised massage is used to help remove toxicity and cleanse the body, enhancing the immune system.
4. Cerebrospinal Fluid system - Improves the efficiency of the brain and spine.
5. Meridian System - Improves energy pathways to all organs and glands, enhancing their function.
6. Digestive System - Nutritional deficiencies, nutritional supplements, and food intolerances are revealed.
7. Limbic System (emotional) - Relief from emotional stresses to help restore the brain’s efficiency for focus and creativity.
Your first kinesiology session with Michelle has a duration of 2 hours….
The first 30 minutes is an initial health consultation to make a plan and focus on what’s most important to you.
Any sessions thereafter are 1 hour and a half.
Each session includes a free Bach flower remedy so you can continue to feel emotionally supported anywhere, any time.
You’ll also receive an email from me on the same day of your session with my findings so you can track your progress.